ECE R10 Certification is an electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) certification for electronic products used in automotive.
ECE R10 is a regulation published by European Commission of United Nations: UN ECE. UN ECE publishes vehicle regulations and Regulation 10 (R10) is related to EMC of vehicles, electronic sub assemblies (ESAs) and units. R10 lists the required EMC tests for ESAs and whole vehicles. It also requires additional tests for electric vehicles and charging systems. It is an automotive regulation recognized by more than 50 countries which are contracting parties of UN ECE.
ECE R10 Certification consists of two main steps:
- EMC Testing of the product (type and its variants): At this step test samples are tested at laboratory environment according to EMC test standards mentioned on R10. CISPR 25, CISPR 12, ISO 7637–2 are a few of these standards. Test sample is subjected to various EMC tests to ensure that the product complies with Regulation 10.
- Type Approval (E-marking): At this step all documentation of the product, type approval applicant and manufacturer are submitted officially to type approval authority. Test report issued at first step is also submitted to show the product’s EMC compliance.
ECE R10 Certification can be complex for early starters, designers, engineers, small and medium-seized businesses. If you are looking for a guide for ECE R10 Certification check this free guide: